<i18n dev> Open Jdk Timezone bug?
Masayoshi Okutsu
Masayoshi.Okutsu at Sun.COM
Mon Nov 30 20:33:58 PST 2009
What is the time zone ID you are using?
On 12/1/2009 1:55 AM, Bill Tims (RSI) wrote:
> From what I can find, this appears to be the right place to post this,
> if I'm wrong I would appreciate a pointer to the proper location.
> The database our app has to talk to has January 1,1900 12:00:00 am
> date in it. When I load the value into a open
> jdk date object (using Ubuntu/JBoss 4.2.3 GA-jdk6) I get December 31,
> 1899 23:00:00. When I do the same thing on my
> dev box (Win XP/Sun jre 1.6.0_07) I get January 1, 1900 12:00:00 am.
> I wrote a test program that prints out the
> Timezone info for 1898-1902 and it appears that the open jdk has a
> daylight savings time starting on Jan 1, 1900 through
> Oct 1, 1900 and the sun version doesn't. According to Wikipedia,
> Daylight savings wasn't suggested until 1907.
> I can't find anything on the web that suggests where the timezone info
> is kept or how complicated it will be to rebuild whatever jar
> file is required. Can someone point me to the proper source file and
> suggest how involved building the fix will be?
> Thanks
> Bill
> !
> Bill Tims
> Renaissance Systems, Inc.
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