<i18n dev> Bug 100111

Yoshito Umaoka y.umaoka at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 13:14:28 PDT 2009


Such API is not currently available in JDK.

The Unicode CLDR project (http://www.unicode.org/cldr) maintains 
"Rule-Based Number Formatting" for various types in various locales - 
An implementation is provided by the ICU project 
(http://icu-project.org/) in C++ and Java.  This is the API 
specification of the Java implementation, including the rule syntax 
definitions - 

-Yoshito Umaoka

samuel jawahar wrote:
>  Hello, I have a requirement “number to text conversion”
>  Example:-123 is the number the equivalent text is:” one hundred and 
> three”
>  All the standings are as per international scientific standard
>  Is there any API in java addressing this request?
>  If not shall I send my implementation as part  my contribution to 
> next JDK
>  Regards
>  Jawahar

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