<i18n dev> Codereview request for 4153167: separate between ANSI and OEM code pages on Windows

Bill Shannon bill.shannon at oracle.com
Mon Feb 13 11:07:43 PST 2012

Thanks for fixing this!

> The webrev is at
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/4153167/webrev

You probably don't need to malloc 64 bytes for a string that's
going to be less than 16 bytes.  And shouldn't you use snprintf
in any event?

Unlike Unix, I assume Windows has no way to have multiple "console"
devices, with stdout and stderr pointing to different devices?

Is the console the only device that's FILE_TYPE_CHAR?  Are there no
serial port devices or other devices that are also of that type?

Can you detect the case of creating an InputStreamReader using the
default encoding, wrapped around the InputStream from System.in
that refers to the console?  If so, it might be good to handle that
case as well, although at this point I would consider that to be
"extra credit"!  :-)

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