<i18n dev> Codereview request for 4153167: separate between ANSI and OEM code pages on Windows

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Feb 15 07:00:05 PST 2012

On 13/02/2012 17:36, Xueming Shen wrote:
> :
> The webrev is at
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/4153167/webrev
The changes look reasonable to me and looks like you have all the 
combinations of redirection covered.

I'm not sure about the sun.std*.encoding properties as folks will find 
them. Probably okay for now.

Minor comments - in System.java then it might be better to name the 
method newPrintStream. It would also be good to add a comment block to 
that method. In java_props_md.c then I agree with Bill's comment that 
you don't need 64 bytes. Minor nit is that you don't need spaces are 
both sides of the *.


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