<i18n dev> <AWT Dev> Add some missing key maps

Charles Lee littlee at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jun 7 23:21:12 PDT 2012

Hi Anthony,

1) Will do
2) Need environment. Will do later
3) Will check that.

On 06/07/2012 09:12 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> Thanks for pushing this fix. However, we had an internal discussion,
> and here's a few comments regarding it (I'm CC'ing Yuri who provided
> the comments):
>> On 06/07/2012 10:53 AM, Yuri Nesterenko wrote:
>>> (1) XKeysym.java is a generated file; I'd make change in
>>> keysym2ucs.h instead, if this routine is not changed, and then
>>> run a simple awk script genhash.awk to generate XKeysym.java;
>>> (2) Look at the beginning of
>>> static Keysym2JavaKeycode getJavaKeycode( long keysym ) --
>>> there is a special line for kanaLock added because
>>> "Some keysyms maps to more than one keycode".
>>> Actually this addition may work OK for Japanese keymap which is
>>> usually a single one in XKB setup but MAY totally break e.g. some
>>> German
>>> or all Croatian. I'd check it first.
>> this ^^ getJavaKeycode() method meaning is, kana lock is not missing:
>> it is properly returned if we are sure that keyboard _is_ Japanese.
>>> (3) Also, regarding shift lock line:
>>> look at the code in XToolkit.java dealing with modifiers.
>>> Perhaps this line may be risky.
> My notes:
> 1. The generated file issue must certainly be fixed. Charles, could
> you make another patch please?
> On a side note, can we just remove the XKeysym.java file altogether
> and simply generate it on each build? Why do we have to keep a
> generated file in the repository?
> 2 and 3: Charles, please test these issues.
> --
> best regards,
> Anthony
> On 06/07/12 06:35, Charles Lee wrote:
>> Thank you Naoto. The patch has been committed.
>> On 06/07/2012 12:45 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>>> I double checked your patch and confirmed that the table lookup comes
>>> after those KANA specific handling, so it looks ok to me.
>>> Naoto
>>> On 6/5/12 8:13 PM, Charles Lee wrote:
>>>> Thank you Naoto. Thank you Anthony.
>>>> I do not see the problem. Would some solaris guys take a look on this
>>>> issue?
>>>> On 06/06/2012 01:56 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>>>>> The patch is changing the code to always convert VK_KANA_LOCK to
>>>>> XK_Kana_Lock keysym. Does this work with Solaris? Looks like there
>>>>> are
>>>>> some piece of code that specifically handles KANA_LOCK.
>>>>> Naoto
>>>>> On 6/5/12 9:02 AM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Charles,
>>>>>> I'm not an expert in keyboard-related code, but the code changes
>>>>>> look
>>>>>> good to me.
>>>>>> I think I18n team might want to take a look at the fix as well,
>>>>>> so I'm
>>>>>> CC'ing the i18n-dev@ mailing list.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>> On 6/5/2012 7:19 AM, Charles Lee wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi awt-devs,
>>>>>>> There are some key map missing in the Japanese keyboard, for
>>>>>>> example:
>>>>>>> XK_Eisu_Shift, XK_Romaji, etc.
>>>>>>> I'd like to propose a patch @
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~littlee/7174233/webrev.00/
>>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Elittlee/7174233/webrev.00/>
>>>>>>> The patch is mainly about add these missing maps according to their
>>>>>>> means.
>>>>>>> Would anyone help to take a look at it?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Yours Charles

Yours Charles

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