<i18n dev> Do developers or end-users create currency.properties?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Oct 16 06:05:06 PDT 2012

On 15/10/2012 17:05, Alan Bateman wrote:
> As part of preparing for modules in the future [1], we need to look at 
> configuration (and other) files in the JDK and see whether such files 
> could eventually move to module-private locations.
> The Currency classes allows people to override the currency data that 
> comes with the JDK by creating the file 
> ${java.home}/lib/currency.properties. I'm interested to know if this 
> is actually used, and if so, is it commonly used. In general then 
> creating or configuring files that are located in the JDK images is 
> problematic as such changes are lost when switching JDK images. I've 
> come across cases where folks have put in sym links into the JDK image 
> for time zone data, I'm curious if anyone has come across this for 
> currency data too.
One other question on this topic is whether a system property or some 
other means to specify the location of a currency properties file to 
override the currency data was considered during 6332666. Although 
system properties aren't always the best solution it would at least 
allow someone to maintain their own currency file in a location that is 
immune from JDK updates.


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