<i18n dev> Request for review: 8000997: Multiple locale sensitive services cannot be loaded

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Mon Oct 22 15:26:36 PDT 2012


I need a reviewer for the changes for 8000997, where the symptom is:

"With the locale data deployment feature, locale sensitive services SPI 
implementations cannot be loaded more than one implementation. This is 
due to the fact that SPILocaleProviderAdapter only uses one instance of 
SPI implementations. It should load all the available installed 
providers as in JDK7, and correctly selects the instance depending on 
the requester's locale."

The gist of the fix is to prepare LocaleServiceProvider delegates for 
each services in SPILocaleProviderAdapter, and they work with the real 
SPI implementations. The proposed change is located here:



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