<i18n dev> Slovenia Pre Euro currency problem

Deven You youdwei at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu May 9 00:22:11 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I don't know why the mail signed out without my attached test case. I 
have copied it[3] into cr.openjdk.java.net.

[3] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~youdwei/ojdk-667/TestCurr_Slovenia.java 

Thanks a lot!
On 05/09/2013 02:18 PM, Deven You wrote:
> Hi All,
> There is a problem for display Slovenia Pre Euro currency, a test 
> case[1] can reproduce this problem:
> expected:
> sl_SI Slovenian (Slovenia) currency example:
> Expected o/p: EUR 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : EUR 1.234,56
> sl_SI_EURO Slovenian (Slovenia,Euro) currency example:
> Expected o/p: EUR 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : EUR 1.234,56
> sl_SI_PREEURO Slovenian (Slovenia,PREEURO) currency example:
> Expected o/p: tol 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : tol 1.234,56
> Actual:
> sl_SI Slovenian (Slovenia) currency example:
> Expected o/p: EUR 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : EUR 1.234,56
> sl_SI_EURO Slovenian (Slovenia,Euro) currency example:
> Expected o/p: EUR 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : EUR 1.234,56
> sl_SI_PREEURO Slovenian (Slovenia,PREEURO) currency example:
> Expected o/p: tol 1.234,56
> Actual o/p  : EUR 1.234,56
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: The output 
> doesn't match
>     at TestCurr_Slovenia.assertEquals(TestCurr_Slovenia.java:35)
>     at TestCurr_Slovenia.checkCurrency(TestCurr_Slovenia.java:27)
>     at TestCurr_Slovenia.testCurr_Slovenia(TestCurr_Slovenia.java:16)
>     at TestCurr_Slovenia.main(TestCurr_Slovenia.java:41)
> I found there is already some discuss about Slovenia Pre Euro currency 
> problem: 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/i18n-dev/2012-August/000751.html^.
> And in that thread, Sean suggested there is already a patch posted to 
> solve this problem.
> I did a search for the whole mailing list, but not find any discuss 
> about the patch mentioned in above link.
> So I just put the patch[2] again and see if anyone can take a look?
> [1] TestCurr_Slovenia.java 
> <http://jira.hursley.ibm.com/java/secure/attachment/14483/TestCurr_Slovenia.java> 
> in attachment
> [2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~youdwei/ojdk-667/webrev/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eyoudwei/ojdk-667/webrev/>
> Thanks a lot!

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