<i18n dev> [8]: diff patch for jdk test on a non US platform
Michael Fang
michael.fang at oracle.com
Mon Nov 4 21:56:39 PST 2013
Hi Francis,
I am the one coordinating the translation of resource files. I have
asked the translators about the extra space in the past for another file
and they replied:
Please note that this is not an error but a French standard. In French, we
use a space before a colon.
Typically, we do not add jtreg tests to test the translation because the
translation is not "code". Translation is tested with separate in-house
test suites.
On 13年10月31日 09:44 下午, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> Hi Stuart
> Please see my comments through the mail
> Le 31/10/2013 22:27, Stuart Marks a écrit :
>> Hi Francis,
>> Alan Bateman directed me to this patch since it includes changes to
>> the RMI tests, which I maintain. I have a few comments on the changes
>> to these tests.
>>> From: Francis ANDRE <francis.andre.kampbell at orange.fr>
>>> Following are a list of patch for making the jdk jtreg test suite
>>> happy with a
>>> WXP/Cygwin/VS2010 Franch platform. For most of them, the fix
>>> consists in adding
>>> Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); as the first statement in main.
>>> diff --git
>>> a/test/java/rmi/activation/CommandEnvironment/SetChildEnv.java
>>> b/test/java/rmi/activation/CommandEnvironment/SetChildEnv.java
>>> --- a/test/java/rmi/activation/CommandEnvironment/SetChildEnv.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/rmi/activation/CommandEnvironment/SetChildEnv.java
>>> @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
>>> public synchronized void notifyLine(String s)
>>> {
>>> - if (s != null && s.indexOf("rmid: debugExec") != -1)
>>> + if (s != null && s.indexOf("rmid : debugExec") != -1)
>>> found = s;
>>> }
>> This is somewhat odd. This section of the test is capturing the
>> output of rmid and is scanning it for a particular string. Why would
>> adding a space be necessary? It turns out that the debugExec lines
>> emitted by rmid are localized:
> If the lines emitted by rmid are localized, then your test
> "s.indexOf("rmid: debugExec") != -1" should be also localized or did I
> miss something?
>> $ cd jdk/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/resources
>> $ grep rmid.exec.command *_*.properties
>> rmid_de.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: "{0}" wird
>> ausgef\u00FChrt
>> rmid_es.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: en
>> ejecuci\u00F3n "{0}"
>> rmid_fr.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid : debugExec :
>> ex\u00E9cution de "{0}"
>> rmid_it.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: esecuzione di
>> "{0}" in corso
>> rmid_ja.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec:
>> "{0}"\u3092\u5B9F\u884C\u4E2D
>> rmid_ko.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: "{0}"
>> \uC2E4\uD589 \uC911
>> rmid_pt_BR.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: executando
>> "{0}"
>> rmid_sv.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: k\u00F6r "{0}"
>> rmid_zh_CN.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec:
>> \u6B63\u5728\u8FD0\u884C "{0}"
>> rmid_zh_TW.properties:rmid.exec.command=rmid: debugExec: \u57F7\u884C
>> "{0}"
>> $ grep -B 0 -A 1 rmid.exec.command rmid.properties
>> rmid.exec.command=\
>> rmid: debugExec: running "{0}"
>> All locales except the French have no space between "rmid" and the
>> trailing colon (":"). It appears that having the space before the
>> colon is proper French usage (at least, the other French
>> localizations all appear similar). But adding the space to the search
>> string will fix the French locale but will break all the other locales.
> From my French perspective -- ie, my mother's language -- , I would
> not add a space between rmid and the colon...
>> Forcing the test to run in the US locale seems preferable to adding
>> logic to deal with different localizations. Since these tests fork
>> JVMs in subprocesses, it's probably necessary to do something special
>> to make sure the sub-JVMs are in the US locale. This probably
>> involves setting an environment variable or a system property. I'm
>> sure others on this list can provide advice.
> I think that the best thing to do is removing the space " " before the
> colon ":" so that your code will work in any localisation. If it is
> not possible to remove this space, then you have to fix the test,
> taking care the localisation you mention in the rmid_fr.properties.
> Here the report of the test
> RMID: starting rmid on port #3882...
> ACTIVATION_LIBRARY: Activation System available after 0 milliseconds
> RMID: finished starting rmid.
> rmid : debugExec : exécution de
> "Z:\JDK\jdk8\build\WINDOW~1\images\J2SDK-~1\jre\bin\java
> -Djava.security.manager=default
> -Djava.security.policy=Z:\JDK\jdk8\jdk\test\java\rmi\activation\CommandEnvironment\group.security.policy
> -Dtest.src=Z:\JDK\jdk8\jdk\test\java\rmi\activation\CommandEnvironment
> -Dtest.classes=Z:\JDK\jdk8\build\windows-x86-normal-server-release\testoutput\jdk_rmi\JTwork\classes\0\java\rmi\activation\CommandEnvironment
> -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false
> sun.rmi.server.ActivationGroupInit"
> Tue Oct 29 08:15:08 CET 2013:ExecGroup-0:out:Doctor constructed and
> exported
> Tue Oct 29 08:15:08 CET 2013:ExecGroup-0:out:Doctor will see you now
> TEST FAILED: rmid subprocess produced no recognizable debugExec line
>>> diff --git a/test/java/rmi/activation/checkusage/CheckUsage.java
>>> b/test/java/rmi/activation/checkusage/CheckUsage.java
>>> --- a/test/java/rmi/activation/checkusage/CheckUsage.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/rmi/activation/checkusage/CheckUsage.java
>>> @@ -31,12 +31,20 @@
>>> */
>>> import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
>>> +import java.util.HashMap;
>>> +import java.util.Locale;
>>> +import java.util.Map;
>>> /**
>>> * Make sure that rmid prints out a correct usage statement when run
>>> with an
>>> * incorrect command line.
>>> */
>>> public class CheckUsage {
>>> + private static final Map<String, String> maps = new
>>> HashMap<String, String>();
>>> + static {
>>> + maps.put(Locale.ENGLISH.getDisplayLanguage(), "runtime flag");
>>> + maps.put(Locale.FRENCH.getDisplayLanguage(), "indicateur
>>> d'exécution");
>>> + }
>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>> try {
>>> ByteArrayOutputStream berr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>>> @@ -54,8 +62,9 @@
>>> String usage = new String(berr.toByteArray());
>>> System.err.println("rmid usage: " + usage);
>>> -
>>> - if (usage.indexOf("-J<runtime flag>") < 0) {
>>> +
>>> + String jflag = "-J<" +
>>> maps.get(Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage()) + ">";
>>> + if (usage.indexOf(jflag) < 0) {
>>> TestLibrary.bomb("rmid has incorrect usage message");
>>> } else {
>>> System.err.println("test passed");
>> This change looks like the start of a map that includes localized
>> usage messages from various locales. If we were to expand this to
>> other locales, eventually we'd end up duplicating all the localized
>> usage messages into the test code. That seems pretty fragile.
>> As above, this is capturing the output of a subprocess, so it would
>> seem better if the subprocess were forced into the US locale.
>> (In fact, this is kind of a stupid test anyway; all it does is make
>> sure that a usage message gets emitted if an erroneous command-line
>> option is provided. I've been thinking of removing it. It's certainly
>> not worth adding extra logic to handle multiple locales.)
>> --
>> Do we even support running the test suite in different locales?
> Your test is about the usage message in a localized language, so IMHO,
> it should take care of the localization message otherwise I do not
> understand this code: TestLibrary.bomb("rmid has incorrect usage
> message");
>> We test on several platforms as it is; I don't think we'll want to
>> have separate test runs for all eleven (or however many) different
>> localizations.
>> I can see adding code (or test configuration properties or
>> environment variables) to ensure that tests are run in the US locale,
>> unless this is specifically overridden by the test. It doesn't seem
>> appropriate to add locale-specific logic or data structures to the
>> tests, though.
> If purpose of the test is to check the localization message, you would
> have no other choice to use properties like the previous rmid test.
> Francis
>> s'marks
>>> diff --git a/test/java/util/Formattable/StockName.java
>>> b/test/java/util/Formattable/StockName.java
>>> --- a/test/java/util/Formattable/StockName.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/util/Formattable/StockName.java
>>> @@ -33,83 +33,90 @@
>>> import static java.util.FormattableFlags.*;
>>> public class StockName implements Formattable {
>>> - private String symbol, companyName, frenchCompanyName;
>>> + private String symbol, companyName, frenchCompanyName;
>>> - public StockName(String symbol, String companyName,
>>> - String frenchCompanyName)
>>> - {
>>> - this.symbol = symbol;
>>> - this.companyName = companyName;
>>> - this.frenchCompanyName = frenchCompanyName;
>>> - }
>>> + public StockName(String symbol, String companyName, String
>>> frenchCompanyName) {
>>> + this.symbol = symbol;
>>> + this.companyName = companyName;
>>> + this.frenchCompanyName = frenchCompanyName;
>>> + }
>>> - public void formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision){
>>> - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
>>> + public void formatTo(Formatter fmt, int f, int width, int precision){
>>> + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
>>> - // decide form of name
>>> - String name = companyName;
>>> - if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE))
>>> - name = frenchCompanyName;
>>> - boolean alternate = (f & ALTERNATE) == ALTERNATE;
>>> - boolean usesymbol = alternate || (precision != -1 && precision < 10);
>>> - String out = (usesymbol ? symbol : name);
>>> + // decide form of name
>>> + String name = companyName;
>>> + if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE))
>>> + name = frenchCompanyName;
>>> + boolean alternate = (f & ALTERNATE) == ALTERNATE;
>>> + boolean usesymbol = alternate || (precision != -1 && precision < 10);
>>> + String out = (usesymbol ? symbol : name);
>>> - // apply precision
>>> - if (precision == -1 || out.length() < precision) {
>>> - // write it all
>>> - sb.append(out);
>>> - } else {
>>> - sb.append(out.substring(0, precision - 1)).append('*');
>>> - }
>>> + // apply precision
>>> + if (precision == -1 || out.length() < precision) {
>>> + // write it all
>>> + sb.append(out);
>>> + } else {
>>> + sb.append(out.substring(0, precision - 1)).append('*');
>>> + }
>>> - // apply width and justification
>>> - int len = sb.length();
>>> - if (len < width)
>>> - for (int i = 0; i < width - len; i++)
>>> - if ((f & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY)
>>> - sb.append(' ');
>>> - else
>>> - sb.insert(0, ' ');
>>> + // apply width and justification
>>> + int len = sb.length();
>>> + if (len < width)
>>> + for (int i = 0; i < width - len; i++)
>>> + if ((f & LEFT_JUSTIFY) == LEFT_JUSTIFY)
>>> + sb.append(' ');
>>> + else
>>> + sb.insert(0, ' ');
>>> - fmt.format(sb.toString());
>>> - }
>>> + fmt.format(sb.toString());
>>> + }
>>> - public String toString() {
>>> - return String.format("%s - %s", symbol, companyName);
>>> - }
>>> + public String toString() {
>>> + return String.format("%s - %s", symbol, companyName);
>>> + }
>>> - public static void main(String [] args) {
>>> - StockName sn = new StockName("HUGE", "Huge Fruit, Inc.",
>>> - "Fruit Titanesque, Inc.");
>>> - CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(128);
>>> - Formatter fmt = new Formatter(cb);
>>> + public static void main(String[] args) {
>>> + StockName sn = new StockName("HUGE", "Huge Fruit, Inc.",
>>> + "Fruit Titanesque, Inc.");
>>> + CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(128);
>>> + Formatter fmt = new Formatter(cb);
>>> - fmt.format("%s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit, Inc."
>>> - test(cb, "Huge Fruit, Inc.");
>>> + if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE)) {
>>> + fmt.format("%s", sn); // -> "Fruit Titanesque, Inc."
>>> + test(cb, "Fruit Titanesque, Inc.");
>>> + } else {
>>> + fmt.format("%s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit, Inc."
>>> + test(cb, "Huge Fruit, Inc.");
>>> + }
>>> + fmt.format("%s", sn.toString()); // -> "HUGE - Huge Fruit, Inc."
>>> + test(cb, "HUGE - Huge Fruit, Inc.");
>>> - fmt.format("%s", sn.toString()); // -> "HUGE - Huge Fruit, Inc."
>>> - test(cb, "HUGE - Huge Fruit, Inc.");
>>> + fmt.format("%#s", sn); // -> "HUGE"
>>> + test(cb, "HUGE");
>>> - fmt.format("%#s", sn); // -> "HUGE"
>>> - test(cb, "HUGE");
>>> + fmt.format("%-10.8s", sn); // -> "HUGE "
>>> + test(cb, "HUGE ");
>>> - fmt.format("%-10.8s", sn); // -> "HUGE "
>>> - test(cb, "HUGE ");
>>> + if (fmt.locale().equals(Locale.FRANCE)) {
>>> + fmt.format("%.12s", sn); // -> "Fruit Titan*"
>>> + test(cb, "Fruit Titan*");
>>> + } else {
>>> + fmt.format("%.12s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit,*"
>>> + test(cb, "Huge Fruit,*");
>>> + }
>>> - fmt.format("%.12s", sn); // -> "Huge Fruit,*"
>>> - test(cb, "Huge Fruit,*");
>>> + fmt.format(Locale.FRANCE, "%25s", sn);
>>> + // -> " Fruit Titanesque, Inc."
>>> + test(cb, " Fruit Titanesque, Inc.");
>>> + }
>>> - fmt.format(Locale.FRANCE, "%25s", sn);
>>> - // -> " Fruit Titanesque, Inc."
>>> - test(cb, " Fruit Titanesque, Inc.");
>>> - }
>>> -
>>> - private static void test(CharBuffer cb, String exp) {
>>> - cb.limit(cb.position());
>>> - cb.rewind();
>>> - if (!cb.toString().equals(exp))
>>> - throw new RuntimeException("expect: '" + exp + "'; got: '"
>>> - + cb.toString() + "'");
>>> - cb.clear();
>>> - }
>>> + private static void test(CharBuffer cb, String exp) {
>>> + cb.limit(cb.position());
>>> + cb.rewind();
>>> + if (!cb.toString().equals(exp))
>>> + throw new RuntimeException("expect: '" + exp + "'; got: '"
>>> + + cb.toString() + "'");
>>> + cb.clear();
>>> + }
>>> }
>>> diff --git a/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/ResourceBundleTest.java
>>> b/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/ResourceBundleTest.java
>>> --- a/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/ResourceBundleTest.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/ResourceBundleTest.java
>>> @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
>>> public class ResourceBundleTest extends RBTestFmwk {
>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>> + Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
>>> new ResourceBundleTest().run(args);
>>> }
>>> diff --git
>>> a/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/getBaseBundleName/TestGetBaseBundleName.java
>>> b/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/getBaseBundleName/TestGetBaseBundleName.java
>>> ---
>>> a/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/getBaseBundleName/TestGetBaseBundleName.java
>>> +++
>>> b/test/java/util/ResourceBundle/getBaseBundleName/TestGetBaseBundleName.java
>>> @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
>>> }
>>> public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
>>> + Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
>>> Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
>>> System.out.println("Default locale is: " + defaultLocale);
>>> diff --git a/test/java/util/logging/LocalizedLevelName.java
>>> b/test/java/util/logging/LocalizedLevelName.java
>>> --- a/test/java/util/logging/LocalizedLevelName.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/util/logging/LocalizedLevelName.java
>>> @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
>>> };
>>> public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
>>> + Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
>>> Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
>>> for (int i=0; i<namesMap.length; i += 4) {
>>> final String key = (String) namesMap[i];
>>> diff --git a/test/java/util/logging/SimpleFormatterFormat.java
>>> b/test/java/util/logging/SimpleFormatterFormat.java
>>> --- a/test/java/util/logging/SimpleFormatterFormat.java
>>> +++ b/test/java/util/logging/SimpleFormatterFormat.java
>>> @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
>>> */
>>> import java.io.*;
>>> +import java.util.Locale;
>>> import java.util.logging.*;
>>> import java.util.regex.*;
>>> @@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
>>> private static final String origFormat = System.getProperty(key);
>>> private static final PrintStream err = System.err;
>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>> - try {
>>> + Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
>>> + try {
>>> File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir", "."));
>>> File log = new File(dir, "simpleformat.txt");
>>> java.nio.file.Files.deleteIfExists(log.toPath());
>>> diff --git a/test/sun/util/logging/SourceClassName.java
>>> b/test/sun/util/logging/SourceClassName.java
>>> --- a/test/sun/util/logging/SourceClassName.java
>>> +++ b/test/sun/util/logging/SourceClassName.java
>>> @@ -31,12 +31,14 @@
>>> * @run main/othervm SourceClassName
>>> */
>>> +import java.util.Locale;
>>> import java.util.logging.*;
>>> import java.io.*;
>>> import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
>>> public class SourceClassName {
>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>> + Locale.setDefault(Locale.US);
>>> File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir", "."));
>>> File log = new File(dir, "testlog.txt");
>>> PrintStream logps = new PrintStream(log);
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