<i18n dev> [8]: diff patch for jdk test on a non US platform

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Wed Nov 6 15:24:08 PST 2013

On 11/5/13 10:31 PM, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> To add a little bit more of clarity for the i18n problems in the ResourceBundle
> tests, joined is an extract from the log of their failures before I fixed them
> for the non US Locale case. Sorry for not having joined this log before.

By the way, it looks like the i18n-dev mailing list deletes attachments. Naoto 
and I received the attachment with the error log, since we were both direct 
recipients. It looks like Naoto has attached the log to this bug report:


(This message is mainly for anyone reading the archives who wonders where to 
find the attachment.)


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