<i18n dev> RFR 9 7131356 : (props) "No Java runtime present, requesting install" when creating VM from JNI [macosx]

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Mon Jun 20 21:56:18 UTC 2016

Good! Wasn't aware there is "British English" in the language selection. 
Looks like all is working as expected.


On 6/20/16 2:34 PM, Brent Christian wrote:
> On 6/13/16 5:14 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>> On 13/06/2016 16:20, Brent Christian wrote:
>>>>> Following the call to
>>>>> setupMacOSXLocale() in ParseLocale()[1], mapLookup() is called to map
>>>>> the language to a default country
>>>> So does this mean the new code will not honor the "Region" in the OSX's
>>>> system preference? For example, what happens if the user sets "UK" for
>>>> the "Region" in the preference, then the new code return "US" for the
>>>> country?
>>> OS X's Region preference is reflected as the locale's "format", through
>>> the "user.country.format" system property, and
>>> Locale.getDefault(Locale.FORMAT).
>>> The region is not reflected in the base "user.country" property or
>>> Locale.getDefault().  As the existing source comment indicates, the
>>> country is mapped to the default for the language, in this case, "US".
>>> It seemed a bit strange to me, too, but my testing indicates this has
>>> been the behavior since jdk 7u4.
>> I think that is a bug. It should adopt "UK" for the default/display
>> locale too. Probably this should be addressed in a separate bug.
> After some more investigation, I don't believe there is a bug here.
> The behavior I saw happened when using the basic
> "English"/"French"/"German" languages, and changing the country with
> Region.
> OS X also provides regional options for the language itself (e.g.
> "British English", "Canadian French", "Swiss German", etc) in Preferred
> languages.  When using these languages, defaults are as expected (e.g.
> reflected in "user.country") without remapping with mapLookup().
> Thanks,
> -Brent

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