<i18n dev> [10] RFR JDK-8186713: Document default rounding mode in NumberFormat

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at oracle.com
Mon Aug 28 23:26:25 UTC 2017

Hi Nishit,

I suggest these changes in NumberFormat.java:

184:		delete the line
186:		s/{@code NumberFormat}/The default implementation/
187-188:	s/By default, it uses/It uses/

With these changes I am fine with the patch and no need to send an updated webrev unless you prefer.



On Aug 28, 2017, at 12:43 AM, Nishit Jain <nishit.jain at oracle.com> wrote:

> > L178-195: Is a list necessary here?
> The list approach is used to clearly mention that these two points are under "Implementation Requirements". If it does not look good, another way could be to use @implSpec tag for individual points, separated by <p>. Please check if this is fine.
> Also updated the webrev with other suggested changes.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~nishjain/8186713/webrev.01/

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