<i18n dev> CLDR Irish time zone name

Yoshito Umaoka y.umaoka at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 22:20:41 UTC 2018

Hello Sato-san,

As you know, tz database 2018a flipped Europe/Dublin winter/summer time 
rules. There were many messages posted in the tz mailing list, and Paul 
Eggert decided to revert the change in tz database 2018c. For future 
releases, it looks he want to add a zic build option to swap the rule.

We also discussed what to do in CLDR project. For now, we decided not to 
make any changes for Europe/Dublin in CLDR release 33 (GA in March 2018) 
at least. We don't have a solid plan for post CLDR 33 releases.

My understanding is that OpenJDK also consumes CLDR zone name data. Is 
this true? If so, do you have any input for post CLDR 33 releases?

-Yoshito (Unicode CLDR/ICU project)

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