<i18n dev> CLDR Irish time zone name

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Tue Feb 13 22:33:32 UTC 2018

Hi Umaoka-san,

Yes, JDK uses the time zone name translations from CLDR. Currently we 
simply map names from CLDR's standard/daylight/generic to Java's 
equivalents. Do you mean in CLDR, you guys discussed whether to flip 
standard/daylight names based on the offset being positive/negative? Or 
something else?


On 2/13/18 2:20 PM, Yoshito Umaoka wrote:
> Hello Sato-san,
> As you know, tz database 2018a flipped Europe/Dublin winter/summer time 
> rules. There were many messages posted in the tz mailing list, and Paul 
> Eggert decided to revert the change in tz database 2018c. For future 
> releases, it looks he want to add a zic build option to swap the rule.
> We also discussed what to do in CLDR project. For now, we decided not to 
> make any changes for Europe/Dublin in CLDR release 33 (GA in March 2018) 
> at least. We don't have a solid plan for post CLDR 33 releases.
> My understanding is that OpenJDK also consumes CLDR zone name data. Is 
> this true? If so, do you have any input for post CLDR 33 releases?
> -Yoshito (Unicode CLDR/ICU project)

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