<i18n dev> [PATCH] JDK-8213183: InputMethod cannot be used after its restarting

Toshio 5 Nakamura TOSHIONA at jp.ibm.com
Tue Nov 6 09:19:15 UTC 2018


Can I obtain a sponsor of this proposal about InputMethod issue on Linux?


I've got an author role and filled the bug report.
Please refer the attached mail about the detail of this patch.

Best Regards,
Toshio Nakamura

----- Forwarded by Toshio 5 Nakamura/Japan/IBM on 2018/11/06 18:08 -----

From:	"Toshio 5 Nakamura" <TOSHIONA at jp.ibm.com>
To:	awt-dev at openjdk.java.net, i18n-dev at openjdk.java.net
Date:	2018/06/26 17:46
Subject:	<AWT Dev> Proposal: Input Method re-connection
Sent by:	"awt-dev" <awt-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net>


I'd like to contribute a proposal about Input Method (IM) re-connection
on Linux. This is a part of contribution of IBM enhancements.

After IM process (fcitx, kinput2, etc.) was down, Java GUI application
cannot use it even if IM process is restarted. This change try to
re-connect IM when its process was restarted on Linux.

Description of changes:
- XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback is set in DestroyXIMCallback.
- Saved the latest activated X11InputMethod instance and use it to
call its activate method in the instantiate callback.
- XSelectInput in XMSelection.java may reset the
XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback entry, so it's changed to keep the
current registers.

(I asked my colleague to store my patch for easy reference.
I'm a contributor and need a sponsor of the proposal.)

Could I ask someone to kindly become a sponsor of this proposal?

Toshio Nakamura, IBM Japan

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