Java SE 8 (JSR 337) status & remaining timeline

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Wed Dec 18 16:06:37 PST 2013

The Public Review period ended on 4 December.

The Public Review EC ballot is in progress, ending on 23 December
(just in time for Christmas!).

I expect to send you the draft Proposed Final Draft Specification
for review in the next few days, with comments due by 8 January so
that I can submit it to the PMO for posting the following week.

For the Final Approval Ballot I expect to make the Specification,
Reference Implementation, and TCK available for you to review in
mid-January, with comments due two weeks later, so that I can
submit them to the PMO by the end of the month.

The FAB ballot period will then run for the first couple of weeks
of February.  If all goes well then we'll be able to declare the
Final Release of this Specification in early March.

- Mark

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