RFR: 8196027: Remove "Prev" and "Next" links from the javadoc navigation

Bhavesh Patel bhavesh.x.patel at oracle.com
Thu Jan 25 05:23:34 UTC 2018

Please see my response inline. I have made the recommended changes and 
have uploaded the updated webrev at 
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpatel/8196027/webrev.01/. There are a few 
new files in this review from which I have deleted the dead code.

On 1/24/2018 4:44 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> On 01/24/2018 01:25 PM, Bhavesh Patel wrote:
>> Hi,
>>       Please review the fix for change in javadoc navigation bar.
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8196027.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpatel/8196027/webrev.00/
>> Regards,
>> Bhavesh.
> In SplitIndexWriter, there are still remnants remaining, such as 
> prev/next fields.
> See lines 63-73.
> In Contents, there are more remnants, such as the set of prev/next 
> labels.
> See lines 143-147, 158-162

Yes. Missed those unused variables. I have removed them from the classes 
you mentioned and others where its no longer used. Also, I have removed 
unused imports from these files.

> In the new test, checkOutput(file, false, ...) tests are notoriously 
> weak and fragile.
> In general you want to make them as broad as possible. To that end, I 
> would suggest
> turning most "+" in lines 81-111 into a comma at the end of the 
> previous line,
> and reduce all the strings down to either "Next"/"Prev" or 
> "Next&nbspWORD"/"Prev WORD".

I have updated the test.

> -- Jon

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