Status of JDBC 4.2?

Mark Rotteveel mark at
Sat Jul 27 09:11:35 PDT 2013

On 27-7-2013 17:43, Lance @ Oracle wrote:
> The javadocs are complete for jdbc 4.2 and the changes are all un the
> workspace
> I will not generate an updated PDF spec until later this fall

Thanks for the update :) On a related note, is still up to 
date? If not could you generate another specdiff?

I have just implemented very basic support for JDBC 4.2 to Jaybird. 
While I was doing that, I wondered if it wouldn't be easier if the 
default methods currently implemented to throw 
UnsupportedOperationException do something similar to what I have done.

For example the support I added for most large update count methods 
simply delegate to the normal update count method. Eg:

     public long getLargeUpdateCount() throws SQLException {
         return getUpdateCount();

The methods using the SQLType interface delegate (where possible) to 
methods accepting the int type value with the value obtained from 
getVendorTypeNumber(), and otherwise (in ResultSet.updateObject) to the 
typeless variant.

I understand this isn't ideal, but it will make all existing JDBC 4.1 
drivers immediately 'support' the JDBC 4.2 functionality when the 
default methods would do this.

Also, when adding this basic support, I expected to have to implement a 
getColumnSQLType method (or something like that) with SQLType as the 
return type in ResultSetMetaData as a partner to getColumnType(int 
column). There doesn't seem to be such a method (at least not in the 
early access b99).

Mark Rotteveel

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