Status of JDBC 4.2?
Lance Andersen - Oracle
Lance.Andersen at
Mon Jul 29 14:26:44 PDT 2013
On Jul 27, 2013, at 12:11 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> On 27-7-2013 17:43, Lance @ Oracle wrote:
>> The javadocs are complete for jdbc 4.2 and the changes are all un the
>> workspace
>> I will not generate an updated PDF spec until later this fall
> Thanks for the update :) On a related note, is still up to date? If not could you generate another specdiff?
Sure I can do this hopefully later this week.
> I have just implemented very basic support for JDBC 4.2 to Jaybird. While I was doing that, I wondered if it wouldn't be easier if the default methods currently implemented to throw UnsupportedOperationException do something similar to what I have done.
We had discussed this early on and it decided that it would be better this way so that vendors would not overlook that they need to make a change to support larger counts if their DB supports it.
No plans to revisit this at this time
> For example the support I added for most large update count methods simply delegate to the normal update count method. Eg:
> @Override
> public long getLargeUpdateCount() throws SQLException {
> return getUpdateCount();
> }
> The methods using the SQLType interface delegate (where possible) to methods accepting the int type value with the value obtained from getVendorTypeNumber(), and otherwise (in ResultSet.updateObject) to the typeless variant.
> I understand this isn't ideal, but it will make all existing JDBC 4.1 drivers immediately 'support' the JDBC 4.2 functionality when the default methods would do this.
> Also, when adding this basic support, I expected to have to implement a getColumnSQLType method (or something like that) with SQLType as the return type in ResultSetMetaData as a partner to getColumnType(int column). There doesn't seem to be such a method (at least not in the early access b99).
> Mark
> --
> Mark Rotteveel
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Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering
1 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at
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