[jsr-221-eg] SQL 2016 MATCH RECOGNIZE JDBC parameter Marker / Escape Characters

Mark Rotteveel mark at lawinegevaar.nl
Tue Oct 9 20:00:06 UTC 2018

On 9-10-2018 21:40, Douglas Surber wrote:
> Correction. Or maybe correction. Reading the SQL spec is challenging.
> Anyway, on further pondering, I don’t think ‘{‘ <identifier> is valid 
> SQL or a prefix to any valid SQL. At least not as of SQL 2016. I could 
> definitely be wrong for any meaning of ‘wrong’ in this context. I’m 
> pretty sure my example quoted below is invalid.

The only valid uses of `{` and `}` in SQL:2016 that I'm aware of is in 
SQL regular expressions, and those are inside string literals, and with 
JSON output.

As far as I can tell, their use was even avoided in the introduction of 
SQL/JSON), leading to things like JSON_OBJECT(KEY 'name' VALUE 'value', 
....) in construction of JSON.

And given the use of `{` and `}` in both ODBC and JDBC as escapes, I 
would not soon expect introduction of syntax that would use those.

Mark Rotteveel

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