[jsr-221-eg] SQL 2016 MATCH RECOGNIZE JDBC parameter Marker / Escape Characters

Mark Rotteveel mark at lawinegevaar.nl
Tue Oct 9 20:49:47 UTC 2018

On 9-10-2018 22:04, Douglas Surber wrote:
> The use of ‘?’ as a parameter marker in several databases as well as JDBC and ODBC didn’t stop the SQL standard from using it in MATCH RECOGNIZE.

In the MATCH_RECOGNIZE pattern syntax, there is no ambiguity with ? as a 
parameter marker: the pattern syntax can't contain parameters (nor other 
value expressions) (as far as I'm aware), so using ? in a different role 
is possible.

And given the fact its use in <row pattern quantifier> in a construct 
that is <row pattern primary> [ <row pattern quantifier> ], there will 
still be no ambiguity even if parameters where allowed for <row pattern 
primary> (though they are not).

The same cannot be (easily) said for the use of {..} in ODBC and JDBC 
escapes (especially due to {oj ..}, {escape ..} and {limit ..}).

Mark Rotteveel

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