CFV: New OpenJDK Committer: Martin Balao

Andrew Dinn adinn at
Thu Jun 28 08:44:58 UTC 2018

On 28/06/18 07:42, Volker Simonis wrote:
> I totally agree that we need more OpenJDK developers in the security
> area and I'm sure Martin is a perfect fit for this role.
> But the process document [1] clearly states that a "Contributor should
> make at least eight significant contributions to that Project before
> being nominated". From the references you've provided I can only see
> five changes contributed by Martin. I'd therefore like to kindly ask
> you to withdraw this CFV and postpone it until Martin has reached at
> least the required minimum number of contributions.
> Sorry for nit-picking, but I think we should all play by the same rules.
Hmm, I don't believe that nit was picked quite thoroughly enough. The
process document clearly states a little more than what is cited above:

  As a rough guide, a Contributor should make at least eight significant
contributions to that Project before being nominated.

The leading phrase which you omitted is critical. This is guidance, not law.

You yourself admit that Martin is "a perfect fit for this role". It
seems to me a foolish waste of project time to force him to have to
obtain sponsors for his upcoming commits (as Andrew noted there are some
in the pipeline) when he is clearly ready to be able to commit changes

Perhaps you might withdraw your objection?


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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