So you want to be a future JDK 8u contributor...

Andrew Haley aph at
Mon Nov 12 18:02:56 UTC 2018

Several people have contacted me recently to talk about working on the
future jdk8u project after Oracle relinquishes their leadership. I'm
very encouraged by this: if we do it right it'll be an excellent
example of an Open Source project. As much as possible I'd like to see
the project run in an open and transparent way.

However, I will say that if you want to contribute, please don't wait
until that time. We -- the community -- will be very busy taking over
the project and won't have much bandwidth to sponsor your patches if
you don't have commit access.

So, it would be an excellent idea to get involved with OpenJDK now. If
you're already a jdk8u committer or reviewer, that's fine. If you're
already an OpenJDK but not jdk8u committer, great: get someone to
propose you as a jdk8u committer. If you're not an OpenJDK committer
at all, this would be a good time to submit some patches and get
committer status.

Above all, thank you in advance to everyone who'll be working on
jdk8u. I think we can make a real success of this, for a long time to

Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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