Announcing the Renaissance benchmark suite

Florian Weimer fweimer at
Mon May 13 09:54:04 UTC 2019

* Alan Bateman:

> On 09/05/2019 19:04, Francois Farquet wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> The suite has been developed and tested under JDK8 and full support
>> of JDK11 is planned for the 1.0.0 release.
>> Regarding the latest JDK and ea versions, we’ll do our best to test
>> it regularly but if the Java Product Group at Oracle could regularly
>> check its compatibility and performance, that would be great.
> From what I can tell, none of the apache-spark benchmarks will run
> with with any recent feature releases. They all fall over with
> HADOOP-14586 in code that is parsing the value of "java.version"
> property. The database benches seems to have issues too, seems to be
> code in one of Chronicle libraries trying to hack
> java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject privates. Are you, or others,
> working with these projects to get fixes or versions that run on more
> recent releases, maybe as part of the effort to get it to run on JDK
> 11 builds?

This leads to the question to what extent these higher-level run-time
environments are part of the benchmark.  Is it expected they remain
unchanged (except for such bug fixes)?  Or can they be enhanced to use
current and new JVM features that help with their implementation?


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