jdk-submit and unclosed branches

Roman Kennke roman at kennke.org
Mon May 20 15:43:54 UTC 2019

Hi Aleksey,

it's also documented here, and simpler:


$ hg log -r "heads(all()) and not closed() and user('<user>') and not


> Hi,
> It seems that the hygienic procedure for jdk-submit is to close branches after we are done with
> them. Stanislav, is that still a recommended practice? I have my batch of closes I can push.
> Anyhow, after trying to figure which branches belong to me, I realized maybe somebody else wants to
> close their own too. This is the one-liner to get the list of currently open branches with their
> last changesets:
> $ hg branches | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -n 1 hg log -l 1 -T
> "{author}\t{branch}\t{desc|firstline}\n" -b | sort -k 1,2
> Sample report:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/scratch/sandbox-non-closed.txt
> Branch can be closed like this:
> $ hg up -r JDK-XXXXXXX
> $ hg commit --close-branch -m "Closing branch"
> Then check the outgoing commits (note the target branches) and push:
> $ hg out
> $ hg push

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