Proposal: Update verifier errors to be less cryptic

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Jul 27 22:12:43 UTC 2023

Hi Constantin,

Please take this to hotspot-runtime-dev at


On 28/07/2023 5:21 am, - - wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've recently stumbled across a certain verifier error while doing some 
> bytecode experiments: "Bad lookupswitch instruction". Errors like this 
> are sadly very common in the verifier, and don't give a lot of detail 
> about what actually has gone wrong. In this case, the error was related 
> to the keys of the lookupswitch not being sorted in ascending order.
> So here's the proposal: Change the error messages in the verifier to 
> tell more about what has actually gone wrong.
> I'd be willing to implement those changes myself, but I don't have any 
> previous contributing experience when it comes to OpenJDK projects. 
> Would this be a big enough change to actually warrant working on it, and 
> how would I proceed with that?
> I hope to hear feedback from you.
> Cheers,
> Constantin

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