RFC: 32-bit x86 port maintenance, stepping down as maintainer

Julian Waters tanksherman27 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 15:01:09 UTC 2024

You and I both don't like to see support for platforms go down, I
suggest we both become maintainers of 32 bit x86 Linux and work
together! :)

In all seriousness, while it is sad to see another platform go, it is
extremely difficult to argue against Andrew's point. The support
required for a platform, especially one that has the same ISA but
different "bitness" as another, is unfortunately not neatly packaged
away inside platform specific files, but is spread out over the
entirety of HotSpot, even in shared code. That means support for that
platform ends up being everyone's responsibility, even if they aren't
maintainers for that Port. This is sadly going to cause problems for
everyone as a result. The only "platform" I can think of where most of
the platform specific code is indeed restricted to platform specific
files is Zero, actually

best regards,

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