RFC: 32-bit x86 port maintenance, stepping down as maintainer

David Alayachew davidalayachew at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 22:19:57 UTC 2024

Hello all,

Thanks for the responses.

Yeah Julian, it crushes me to see it. I already hashed the reasons on
reddit, so I won't bring them back up here.

Of course, I have no shortage of motivation and perseverance. But, as a
maintainer, there is a certain level of competence that is expected, and
after seeing both Aleksey's and Andrew's comments, it's clear that I do not
meet the bar.

I guess one final question -- is there any other 32 bit port that will
remain alive after this goes? Or does this mean that new versions of Java
are no longer available to developers who are forcefully stuck on 32 bit

Thank you all for your time and help!
David Alayachew
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