Result: CFV: New JDK Committer: Sendao Yan

Yi Yang qingfeng.yy at
Wed Sep 18 02:28:42 UTC 2024

Voting for Sendao Yan [1] is now closed.
Yes: 7
Veto: 0
Abstain: 0
According to the Bylaws definition of Lazy Consensus, this is
sufficient to approve the nomination.
[1]  < > < >
From:YANG, Yi <qingfeng.yy at>
Send Time:2024 Sep. 3 (Tue.) 16:28
To:"jdk-dev"<jdk-dev at>
Subject:CFV: New JDK Committer: Sendao Yan
I hereby nominate SendaoYan (sendaoYan[1]) to JDK Committer.
Sendao has authored 36 PRs[2] to the OpenJDK, most of these PRs are fix the testcases bugs
or make the testcases more robustness, and most of them are non-trivial changes.
Sendao works at Alibaba as compiler test engineer, and he also as an Eclipse AQAvit community commiter[3].
He has shown a keen interest in quality assurance and I'm sure he will continue to add valuable improvements to the OpenJDK
Votes are due by 23:59 UTC on September 17, 2024
Only current JDK Committers [4] are eligible to vote on this nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.
For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [5].
Best Regards,
Yi Yang
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