[11u]: RFR JDK-8227368: EnumSet.class serialization broken in JDK 9+
Stuart Marks
stuart.marks at oracle.com
Thu Aug 29 06:33:19 UTC 2019
Hi, I'm finally getting back to this. Sorry for the delay.
I've written up a CSR for this. Can you review it please? When you've done so,
please edit the CSR and add your OpenJDK user ID to the Reviewed By box (scroll
most of the way to the bottom).
I'm using this CSR to apply to both OpenJDK 11.0.x and Oracle JDK 11.0.x. The
code change is the same and all the same issues apply. Note that this change is
quite different from the JDK 13 change, so the CSR is quite different as well.
I've included some background and the explanation I posted in this email thread
The webrev is unchanged from my posting a few weeks ago:
(I haven't rebased it to the very latest jdk11u-dev; I suppose it might change
somewhat, though I think it unlikely.)
Christoph, I'd appreciate it if you could run this change through SAP's test
system. Please let me know about the results or any problems you encounter.
On 8/8/19 2:54 PM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> I think it'd be great if you could do the CSR and Peter could review it (I, maybe, can have a look as well).
> When it comes to testing, I can offer our test system for OpenJDK 11u here at SAP.
> Would the change still be the one at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8227368.jdk11u/webrev.0/?
> (BTW: I've got the feeling that this looks slightly different now compared to this morning??)
> By recognizing a backport issue targeted for 11.0.6-oracle, I take that you'll also bring the change to the Oracle 11u release and it will be the same then? We definitely shouldn't differ at this place... And in that case I suppose you'd have had to file a CSR anyway since I understood Joe telling that Oracle 11u would use the CSR process.
> Cheers
> Christoph
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stuart Marks <stuart.marks at oracle.com>
>> Sent: Donnerstag, 8. August 2019 23:31
>> To: Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com>
>> Cc: Langer, Christoph <christoph.langer at sap.com>; jdk-updates-
>> dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: [11u]: RFR JDK-8227368: EnumSet.class serialization broken in
>> JDK 9+
>> On 8/8/19 9:49 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>> Perhaps it would be best if you continue with it, since you have access to
>>> various facilities needed for this patch (JCK tests for example) and are more
>>> acquainted with the JSR process.
>> Yes, I can do this. (I think you meant CSR; JSR is a different thing!)
>> Can I consider you as a reviewer?
>> s'marks
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