[11u] RFR: Backport 8216354: Syntax error in toolchain_windows.m4

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Fri Aug 30 07:46:19 UTC 2019

Hi Simon,

> > This patch was carved out of JDK-8215445.
> > However, in there, the modified line reads:
> > if test -z "$(ls -d $with_ucrt_dll_dir/*.dll 2> /dev/null)"; then
> > instead of:
> > if test -z "$(ls -d "$with_ucrt_dll_dir/"*.dll 2> /dev/null)"; then
> >
> > (you have additional quotes around $with_ucrt_dll_dir/). Are you sure this
> is correct? Why can't we use the upstream version?
> I've reviewed (and tried) the patch and determined my patch (which was
> proposed in the original bug by the original reporter) is the correct
> one, and the upstream version in fact doesn't work.  As the bug is
> marked "won't fix" I haven't tried to get it reopened in jdk 13/14.
> Because of this, I'm not actually sure this qualifies as a backport.
> Unfortunately, the original reporter is only known as "Webbug Group".
> As a result of this, I'm not sure what to put for reviewer, author,
> etc.  Do you (or others) have any recommendations on what's appropriate?

You are correct, I've also played with it and figured that the upstream fix will work if the target path does not contain spaces. (Don't know if it would already do this in the current 11u and 8u versions, pre JDK-8215445). But usually I guess the target path has spaces, so it should be fixed in the sense of the proposal made by the reporter of JDK-8216354.

I've reopened the ticket, modified affected versions and assigned it to you. Please create an upstream fix for jdk/jdk and have it reviewed on build-dev. Once it's committed, you'll have a nice changelist to backport ��

Best regards

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