[11u] RFR: 8232806: Introduce a system property to disable eager lambda initialization

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Wed Dec 18 13:50:07 UTC 2019


Please review this backport for JDK-8232806. This is useful for
graalvm and has also already been backported into 11.0.7-oracle, so
should be included at least for parity.

Backport Webrev

Original Commit
Original Bug

The patch did not function cleanly due to missing
GetBooleanAction.privilegedGetProperty in 11u. The call to this has
been replaced by the lengthier form used elsewhere and also prior to
the introduction of above static helper method:

disableEagerInitialization = AccessController.doPrivileged(
    new GetBooleanAction(disableEagerInitializationKey)).booleanValue();

Let me know what you think about this adjustment. The tier one tests
including the modified LambdaTest6 passed for me.


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