jdk11u and -oracle versions

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at sap.com
Fri Feb 8 10:16:55 UTC 2019


> Look at this issue:
>   https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204142
> It has jdk11u-fix-request and jdk11u-fix-yes labels. And it has backport that
> mentions
> 11.0.3-oracle. And there are *no* relevant changesets in jdk-
> updates/jdk11u:
>   http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u/log?rev=8204142
> I have a few questions at this point:
>  a) What is 11.0.3-oracle, and why indeed it is in openjdk bug tracker?
>  b) Where is the pushed changeset? Is it in some Oracle-private tree? I
> assumed jdk*u-fix* tags are
> for openjdk repositories, so issues have to be pushed to openjdk
> repositories, not some Oracle
> internal repo?

FWIW: For that very bug, the jdk11u-fix-request label was set on 11/20/18 when the jdk11u-fix-request procedure still applied for Oracle. The request was approved then on 12/03/18. Afterwards I think the downport was either forgotten or Oracle's process changed. It then eventually got pushed to the 11.0.3 internal Oracle repository on 01/21/19.

As per the current rules, I guess the patch can now be pushed to jdk11u by any committer, in case it applies cleanly.

Best regards

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