jdk11u and -oracle versions

Rob McKenna rob.mckenna at oracle.com
Mon Feb 11 14:45:20 UTC 2019

On 07/02/19 18:10, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Aleksey,
> we've partially covered these topics at the Committers Workshop, but I
> agree that we haven't come to a universal solution yet :)
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 12:02 PM Aleksey Shipilev <shade at redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > Look at this issue:
> >   https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204142
> >
> > It has jdk11u-fix-request and jdk11u-fix-yes labels. And it has backport that mentions
> > 11.0.3-oracle. And there are *no* relevant changesets in jdk-updates/jdk11u:
> >   http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk-updates/jdk11u/log?rev=8204142
> >
> > I have a few questions at this point:
> >  a) What is 11.0.3-oracle, and why indeed it is in openjdk bug tracker?
> "11.0.3-oracle" is an Oracle-internal repository which we won't see. I
> think it is OK if Oracle uses JBS for both. OpenJDK and Oracle JDK
> releases (after all, it's their bug system :) In the end it can even
> help the community to see what Oracle will downport into their
> commercial update releases.
> I had a short chat with Andrew H. regarding this topic. I proposed to
> "automatically" downport all the changes which Oracle downports to
> their closed updated releases. "Automatically" is a little misleading
> in this context because it would surely require manual interaction of
> the corresponding update maintainer (which we don't have for 11u yet).
> It is "automatic" in the sense that, until now, we can see what Oracle
> is downporting (at least for non-closed bugs).
> The thing with the "jdk11u-fix-yes" label is a little confusing
> though. I suppose Oracle was (or maybe still is) using it for their
> own, closed downports but if I remember right, somebody from Oracle
> mentioned at FOSDEM that they already have (or will have) a special,
> "jdk11uoracle-fix-yes" label in the future. Maybe somebody from Oracle
> can comment on this topic?

jdk11u-fix-request/yes is exclusively used by OpenJDK!


> In the end, I think it is good, if Oracle will stay transparent in JBS
> with regards to update releases. In an ideal world, we could then take
> over all their downports in the same way as they could take all the
> community downports. This would keep the Oracle and OpenJDK update
> releases in sync feature-wise which would be definitely nice for the
> Java community.
> Regards,
> Volker
> >  b) Where is the pushed changeset? Is it in some Oracle-private tree? I assumed jdk*u-fix* tags are
> > for openjdk repositories, so issues have to be pushed to openjdk repositories, not some Oracle
> > internal repo?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Aleksey

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