Questions regarding infrastructure of JDK11u updates in the OpenJDK

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at
Mon Jan 21 10:31:31 UTC 2019


Oracle has communicated on this list [1] that OpenJDK update 11.0.2 was the last JDK 11 update release in the OpenJDK which was lead by Oracle and where Oracle made contributions.

Assuming, there'll be a party that steps up to take over maintenance of JDK11u anytime soon, I have some questions.

1. At the moment, the process to request approvals for OpenJDK 11u updates still seems to exist, e.g. by tagging a bug with the "jdk11u-update-request" label. Will the current maintainers of the JDK updates project still approve such requests while knowing that there are no concrete plans for an OpenJDK update 11.0.3?
2. What about the infrastructure if there was a maintainer for 11u in the OpenJDK? E.g. would changes pushed to 11u still be handled by the bug system, will backport issues be created and will appropriate backport release entries be made? I understand that the infrastructure for this process is maintained by Oracle. Can the OpenJDK update maintainers still rely on that infrastructure?
3. As I understand that Oracle will work on updates on their closed Oracle JDK LTS version, I would think they keep using the existing infrastructure. Is there a concept of how the version labels will look like? E.g. if a fix is labeled with target version "11.0.3", will it then mean it is OpenJDK 11.0.3 or Oracle JDK 11.0.3?
4. Is there any comment from Oracle on whether changes made in OpenJDK 11u will be consumed by their closed LTS release in a (semi-)automatic fashion? Or will it be that the Oracle LTS will diverge completely from OpenJDK11u? (Though this is probably a question that Oracle might not want to give a statement on...)

Thanks in advance for any answers/discussion on these topics.

Best regards


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