[8u, 11u] Wiki Page updates
Langer, Christoph
christoph.langer at sap.com
Thu Mar 14 13:22:55 UTC 2019
Hi Aleksey,
> It is a good start, but I feel it does not help the outsiders, who would be as
> puzzled after reading that page.
yeah, I tend to agree...
> Concrete suggestions:
> *) Let's spell out:
> "Current status:
> jdk-updates/jdk11u-dev repository collects non-critical update fixes,
> targeted to 11.0.4.
> jdk-updates/jdk11u repository is stabilizing for 11.0.3 release"
Good idea. I'll add that section.
With that section it is important, though, that we keep it up to date. Maybe I shall also create a "release engineers recipe/to do list" for things to do during a release cycle, e.g. bump version numbers, set initial tags, branches etc. Probably worth another Wiki page. I'll look into that, too.
> *) We need a verbose "How Do I" section, for example
> ------ 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> How Do I...
> ...Suggest the Change
> Normally, requesters are expected to do the bulk of the backporting work. If
> do not have time and
> resources to do the work, you have to find someone who would. You can ask
> around the original
> authors of the change and/or current (co-)maintainers in the update release.
> ...Request the Backport
> Backports are the issues that exist in later JDK versions and need to be
> applied to lower ones as well.
> 1. Pick the existing issue from the JBS
> - Take careful note of the linked issues that need to be brought with
> the fix, especially the follow-up fixes;
> - If there are relevant issues that prevent clean backport, consider
> backporting
> those first (within reason)
> 2. Check out the jdk-updates/jdk11u-dev, and try to apply the patch there
> - Make sure to keep the changeset metadata: original authors, Reviewed-
> by: lines, etc
> 3. If patch does not apply cleanly, you have to start the RFR thread at jdk-
> updates-dev@
> - Need to state what changes were needed and why
> - Optionally, seek the review from the original authors
> 4. Test the patch
> - "tier1" tests should be passing at all times
> - Look at what area the patch affects, and run the tests from there
> - New regression tests that come with the patch should pass
> - Optionally, new regression tests may need to be verified to fail without
> the patch
> 5. Once everything is done, put jdk11u-fix-request tag and the "Fix Request"
> comment on the issue
> - Fix Request should explain why the fix should be backported, what
> testing was done,
> and the risk estimate
> 6. Wait for maintainer approval, which would manifest as jdk11u-fix-yes tag
> on the issue
> 7. Push the change
> - You might need a sponsor in jdk-updates project, ask at jdk-updates-
> dev@ list
> 8. Wait around to resolve any problems that might arise from the push
> ...Request the Change (without Backport)
> There are cases when the lower JDK release needs to have the patch that is
> not required for the
> higher JDK releases. The same rule set applies, as for backports, with
> mandatory RFR at
> jdk-updates-dev list.
> ...Keep the Changeset Metadata
> The easiest way to keep metadata is to import the full changeset from
> Mercurial.
> <mq example goes here>
> ...Test the Change
> <jtreg example goes here>
> ...Submit the RFR (Request For Review)
> <RFR template goes here>
> ------ 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------------
That's also a very good idea. I will look into adding such a HowTo starting off with your proposal. Do you think it should be on the main page or shall I create a separate page and link to it? It's quite a bit content and might bloat the main page.
It's also maybe a bit orthogonal to Severin's guide: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/JDKUpdates/JDK+Updates+Guidance.
Best regards
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