[8u, 11u] Wiki Page updates

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Thu Mar 14 13:31:37 UTC 2019

On 3/14/19 2:22 PM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> That's also a very good idea. I will look into adding such a HowTo starting off with your
> proposal. Do you think it should be on the main page or shall I create a separate page and link
> to it? It's quite a bit content and might bloat the main page.

I think all the "fast path" info should be on the main page. Gory details may be in sub-pages.

Thinking from the outsider perspective, I should come in, spend 5 minutes to read the checklist,
understand what is nominally expected and start doing it. As I go, maintainers and reviewers can
point me to "full" policies on other pages.


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