How to request multiple backport for 11u?

Andrew John Hughes gnu.andrew at
Mon May 13 17:07:58 UTC 2019

On 13/05/2019 11:24, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> On 5/13/19 12:19 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Can I request them with "jdk11u-fix-request" on JBS?
>> Or should I create single backport RFR for them?
> Yes, you can request jdk11u-fix-request on them individually. Mention the dependencies in "Fix
> Request" comment. I would prefer to have 1:1 mapping between changesets, so if the change has 4
> follow-up fixes, I'd prefer to have 1+4 changesets in backport. The onus is on you to *push* them
> together to avoid breakage.
> -Aleksey

I agree. At the very least, each bug should return a result when 'hg log
-k <bugid>' is used.

In general, it is better to stick to small, minimal changesets as this
makes it easier to pinpoint the changes that caused a particular problem
at a later date. A little extra time now often pays off in the long run,
and is also a courtesy to your fellow developers.
Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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