[DMARC FAILURE] [11u] RFR 8208601: Introduce native oop barriers in C2 for OopHandle

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Sep 9 08:00:06 UTC 2019

On 9/4/19 2:53 PM, Langer, Christoph wrote:

> I'll add the patches for JDK-8208582, JDK-8208601 (with the added
> unsafe) and JDK-8210158 to our test queue and let you know the
> results. Please don't push until then.

I've looked at the Jira but it's not clear why we need this in 11u.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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