RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Thu Jul 23 17:17:00 UTC 2020

Thanks for the reviews, Kelvin!


> On 7/23/20, 5:51 AM, "Roman Kennke" <rkennke at redhat.com> wrote:
>     Hi Kelvin,
>     On Thu, 2020-07-23 at 01:56 +0000, Nilsen, Kelvin wrote:
>     > This is an unofficial review (I am not an official reviewer) of
> the
>     > shared-code changes described in
>     > 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/shenandoah-jdk11u-upstream/webrev.09-shared/
>     >  which were posted by "Roman Kennke" (rkennke at redhat.com) on
> Mon
>     > Jul 13 16:06:12 UTC 2020.  See
>     > 
> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-updates-dev/2020-July/003483.html
>     >  for the original message.
>     Thank you, Kelvin for reviewing it! You could have replied to the
>     original email that you mentioned :-)
> Would have been much better, I realize.  There were some email server
> problems going on and I never received that original message.
>     > For the most part, these all look good and I concur that these
> do not
>     > impact non-Shenandoah deployments except for the possible
> concerns
>     > identified below:
>     >
>     > 1.  In make/hotspot/gensrc/GensrcJfr.gmk, around line 68, it
> might be
>     > good to list the following ExecuteWithLog arguments in the same
> order
>     > as when Shenandoah is not enabled to make it more clear that
> these
>     > parameters are "not affected": $(METADATA_XML) $(METADATA_XSD)
>     > $(JFR_OUTPUTDIR)
>     >
>     This is not really possible. The patch also changes
>     GenerateJfrFiles.java to accept multiple - and optional -
> arguments for
>     metadata.xml, which means that it's most reasonable to place them
> at
>     the end, and not first.
>     BTW, I intend to upstream those build changes to jdk16 too.
> Thanks.  I'm satisfied.
>     > 2. In src/hotspot/share/gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp, around line
> 200, it
>     > looks like the lines:
>     >       product(bool, UseShenandoahGC, false,
>     >                      "Use the Shenandoah garbage collector")
>     >     should be included only under #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC
>     > conditional compilation control.
>     That is not directly possible because I can't put an ifdef in the
>     middle of a huge define. It can be done though: define the block
> under
>     #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC above, and empty otherwise, and put that
> in
>     the huge #define. I am doing that in the webrev.10 (see below).
> With
>     that, the last remnants of Shenandoah are purged from libjvm.so
> when
>     building without Shenandoah :-) On the (somewhat) downside, I
> also had
>     to remove -XX:-UseShenandoahGC from TestDisableDefaultGC.java,
> that
>     test would otherwise fail. (It does print 'unrecognized VM
> option' now,
>     instead of "Garbage collector not selected").
> Thanks.  I'm satisfied.
>     >  3. In src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.cpp, around line 4514,
> it is
>     > not clear from context that the Shenandoah change still
> includes all
>     > of the same code that was present before the Shenandoah
> change.  In
>     > particular, it is not clear that !defined(PRODUCT) is
> universally
>     > true.
>     >
>     Before the change, the rpo() method was only included when
>     Shenandoah requires this method in PRODUCT-builds too, hence the
>     change. I am not sure how to make this much clearer?
> I see now.  My side-by-side diffs were not showing me the condition
> that controlled the block newly terminated by the inserted
> #endif.  Thanks for clarifying.  I'm satisfied.
>     >  4. Likewise, in src/hotspot/share/opto/loopnode.hpp, around
> line
>     > 1327, the prototype for function void is introduced by
> Shenandoah
>     > enhancements to the code even #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC in the
> case of
>     > ifndef PRODUCT.
>     See comment above.
> Satisfied now that I understand it better.
>     > 5. In src/hotspot/share/opto/type.hpp, around lines 1775 and
> 1822, do
>     > we want to #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC the definitions of
> LoadXNode and
>     > StoreXNode?  Should be harmless as is.
>     We could, but as you say it's harmless and doesn't generate any
> code
>     per-se. I did it anyway in webrev.00.
> Thanks.  I'm satisfied.  (Above, I think you mean webrev.10.)
>     > 6. In src/hotspot/share/runtime/vmOperations.hpp, around line
> 108, do
>     > we want to #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC the mentions of
> ShenandoahFullGC,
>     > ShenandoahInitMark, ShenandoahFinalMarkStartEvac,
>     > ShenadoahInitUpdateRefs, ShenandoahFinalUpdateRefs,
>     > ShenandoahDegeneratedGC?  Should be harmless as is.
>     That is exactly what the block above with #if
>     does. We cannot #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC in the middle of a large
>     #define. Hence the little stunt. (BTW, this is exactly the
> pattern how
>     we could exclude the global UseShenandoahGC flag too, see above).
> I see.  Thanks.  I'm satisfied.
>     > 7. In src/hotspot/share/utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp, around
> line
>     > 98, do we want to put the UINT64_FORMAT_X_W(width) macro under
> #if
>     > INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC?  Harmless as is.
>     We could, but as you say it's harmless and doesn't generate any
> code
>     per-se. I did it anyway in webrev.00.
> Thanks.  Am satisfied with webrev.10.
>     > 8. In src/hotspot/share/utilities/macros.hpp, around line 238,
> should
>     > the definition of NOT_SHENANDOAHGC_RETURN be { return; }?
>     I don't think that is necessary. The definitions of other GCs are
> not
>     doing it either, so let's keep it consistent with those, yes?
> I see.  Am satisfied.
>     > 9. I am not confident I understand how the file
>     > src/jdk.jfr/share/conf/jfr/default.jfc is compiled.  Should
> lines 423
>     > - 431 be under #if INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC control?  Does this
> cause
>     > unwanted Shenandoah code to be compiled in even when it's not
>     > supposed to be?
>     This is JFR profiles, it would not compile any code. We ensure
> that
>     Shenandoah events are only compiled when Shenandoah is build-
> enabled
>     (via the metadata.xml machinery mentioned above). Running JFR
> with such
>     a profile on a JDK without Shenandoah support does work as usual.
> Those
>     events are enabled, but simply not present.
> Thanks for explaining.  I am satisfied.
>     > 10. I am not confident I understand how regression suites are
>     > configured.  In test/hotspot/jtreg/TEST.ROOT and
> test/jdk/TEST.ROOT,
>     > it appears that we are requiring vm.gc.Shenandoah in order to
> run
>     > certain tests.  If the JVM is compiled without support for
>     > Shenandoah, will this cause these regression tests to not
> run.  That
>     > would not be good for someone who desires to build JDK 11
> without
>     > Shenandoah support.
>     The test is specifically there to test if Shenandoah is built-in. 
> Tests
>     that execute Shenandoah code by enabling -XX:+UseShenandoahGC are
> all
>     guarded by this, so they would not be run when Shenandoah is not
> built-
>     in. See e.g.:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/shenandoah-jdk11u-upstream/webrev.09-shared/test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/TestHumongousReferenceObject.java.udiff.html
> Ok.  I was concerned that this might be guarding other tests that did
> not depend on Shenandoah.  Thanks for explaining.  I am satisfied.
>     > 11. In test/hotspot/jtreg/TEST.groups, it appears that there
> have
>     > been many Shenandoah-specific tests added to the regression
>     > suites.  If someone builds the JDK11 without Shenandoah support
> and
>     > runs the regression suite, will all of these tests now fail?  I
> don't
>     > see how the running of these tests is made
> conditional.  (Perhaps my
>     > issue 10 and issue 11 are complementary and between them, all
> of my
>     > concerns are fully addressed.)
>     See comment for #10. It is safe to run those suites with
> Shenandoah-
>     build-disabled, it will only run a handful of tests then, and
> exclude
>     all run configurations that have -XX:+UseShenandoahGC in them.
> Thanks for generating the new webrev.  Looks good to me.
>     Here's the updated webrevs, with UseShenandoahGC flag excluded on
> non-
>     Shenandoah builds, and the two exclusions of macros:
>     Shared-only:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/shenandoah-jdk11u-upstream/webrev.10-shared/
>     Full:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/shenandoah-jdk11u-upstream/webrev.10-all/
>     I did run hotspot_gc_shenandoah again on builds with and without
>     Shenandoah, and it worked fine.

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