[11u] RFR: 8261209: isStandalone property: remove dependency on pretty-print

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Thu Mar 11 16:50:12 UTC 2021


JDK-8261209 is backported to 11.0.11-oracle. I'd like to backport it for parity.
The actual fix is trivial, but the remainder of the original patch doesn't apply to 11u.

So I suggest the following:
- Only take the real fix which is in ToXMLStream.java (LastModified timestamp doesn't exist in 11u).
- Skip module-info.java: The modified comments don't exist in 11u.
- Skip PrettyPrintTest.java: The modified parts of the test don't exist in 11u.

The existing tests are still passing with the fix.

Original bug:

Original change:

11u backport:

Please review.

Best regards,

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