[jdk-updates notice] Check GHA tests before labeling -fix-request

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Wed Mar 6 09:08:26 UTC 2024

Hi contributors to the jdk-updates projects

You need to test changes you want to bring to the
updates repositories before labeling -fix-request or
using the /approval command.
This includes passing the GHA tests.

We currently see the GHA tests fail due to a build issue
on Risc-V. This does not give you the right to
just request approval.  You must first assure the failure
is only caused by this issue, and you must give a reason in the PR
why you want to integrate your change anyways.

If you fail to do this, I will just remove the -fix-request
label when I check your change for approval. Check the
tests, add a comment and request approval again.
Also give the approval reason again: the comment in the
JBS issue will be overwritten.

I will not comment in each change that you need to check
the tests, nor will I check them by myself.  Scanning the
approval request on a daily basis is a considerable effort,
and I can not keep it up if a large amount of changes don't meet the
criteria that are documented in
How to contribute or backport a fix - How to contribute or backport a fix - OpenJDK Wiki<https://wiki.openjdk.org/display/JDKUpdates/How+to+contribute+or+backport+a+fix>

Just for the records, it just happened that a change
was pushed that broke the build which was overseen
because the tests had not been checked.

Best regards,
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