Re: Subject: CFV: New JDK 10 Committer: Erik Österlund

Andrew Haley aph at
Thu Jun 22 12:46:07 UTC 2017

On 22/06/17 10:26, Thomas Schatzl wrote:

> I do know Erik, and I know that he is trustworthy to be committer, and
> I know that he has lots of good changes about to be committed, but in
> addition to this understanding some formal requirements must be met (or
> at least very close to) at the time of nomination.
> This is, in my view not the case here at this time.
> We have in the past also been pretty strict about getting the Committer
> role, and I think it would devalue every others' hard work to attain
> that goal. I also, just a few months ago, privately looked through
> commits of somebody else as trustworthy in the same situation, and I
> asked him to come back after another two commits. I would like to ask
> the same in this case.

So, we know that Erik is entirely suitable for this role, and you do
not disagree, but you insist on following the rules because they are
the rules and they've been strictly followed in the past.

I have to wonder whether the rules are there to serve us or we are here
to serve the rules.

Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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