jdk7-b27 (part b): JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, and Serviceability

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Mon May 19 08:06:17 PDT 2008



Component : jmx
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 05/15/2008 at 02:01
Tested By : JMX QE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/testbase/sqe/7/ws/int/7_int/jmx/
Bundles   : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/05/2008-05-13-050653.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -server
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
win server2003 AMD(64OS)(32jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/testbase/sqe/7/ws/int/7_int/jmx/
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://sqeweb.sfbay.sun.com/nfs/results/jmx/gtee/JDK7/PIT/JMX/7/b27b/20080514-075041/
Number of Tests Executed : 156 product tests, 328 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6692027: REGRESSION: Custom subclasses of QueryEval don't serialize

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27

Issues and Notes:
   Others = 64BITRHAS5.0AMD server	mixed
Unit tests logs = /net/lubec.sfbay/u/jmx/pit/7/b27b/reg.2008_05_14.pid26831/
 From JMX QE

Component : libs

Go/NoGO   : Go
Date      : 05/15/08  at 03:43
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 0.5

Workspace : /java/jdk/7.0/ws/integration/Telos/jdk
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/platform/2008/134/bundles
Platforms : Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server; WinXP Prof(32), -client; RH AS4.0 (32), -server; 
SuSE SLES10 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/libs/testbase
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://javaweb.sfbay/cgi-bin/tls/OneBuildStatus.cgi?build_id=134
Number of Tests Executed :  1640 product tests, 2 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
Tested. Pass:
6691185  TreeMap.navigableKeySet's descendingItera
6691215  IdentityHashMap.containsValue(null) retur

Tested. Fail:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests and no 'noreg-/nounit-' keywords:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

New bugs filed during this PIT  : None


Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27b

Component : net
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 05/15/2008 at 00:58
Tested By : JSN SQE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int
Bundles   : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/05/2008-05-13-050653.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -server
WinXP Prof(32), -server
RH AS4.0 (32), -server
SuSE SLES8 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/jsn-sb2500-5/export/sec/test_exec/gtee_pit_7.0_dtf_results
Number of Tests Executed : 230 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6558853: getHostAddress() on connections using IPv6 link-local addrs should have zone id
6611937: java/net/InetAddress/GetLocalHost.java cannot run in JPRT headless environment
6611943: java/net/ResponseCache/Test.java fails on Windows JPRT systems
6644726: Cookie management issues
6687919: REGRESSION : Classloader can handle any resource which is not included in classpath

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6659779: HttpURLConnections logger should log tunnel requests
6687282: URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ Digest Authentication gives 400 
Bad Request

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27

Issues and Notes:
   6611937 and 6687919 were tested manually.
untested bug because of no unit tests.

Component : sec
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 05/15/2008 at 00:50
Tested By : JSN SQE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int
Bundles   : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/05/2008-05-13-050653.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
Windows Vista 32 bit, -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
Solaris AMD64(64jdk), -client
Sol Sparc 10(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
SuSE SLES8 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/jsn-sb2500-5/export/sec/test_exec/gtee_pit_7.0_dtf_results
Number of Tests Executed : 1065 product tests, 970 unit tests, 884 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6631361: Spec of AccessControlContext constructor is not complete
6647251: Add DigiCert root CA certs to JDK
6647254: Add TrustCenter root CA certificates to the JDK
6675606: javax.security.auth.login.Configuration does not recognize path with spaces
6689000: Changes in 6675606 causing regression test failures on windows-i586.
6695818: New regression test (KerberosTixDateTest) for Kerberos failing on (probably) all 

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
5053895: (spec) Unspecified IllegalStateException in TrustManagerFactory
6524501: inconsistency with PKCS#11 spec - 0-value flags in CK_SLOT_INFO struct returned by 
6546639: (spec)javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance( null ) throws undocumented NPE
6546671: (spec)javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.getInstance() throws undocumented NPE
6571950: SSLSocket(raddr, rport, laddr, lport) allows null as laddr that spec doesn't reflect
6690169: Specification for BasicPermission.equals() is not consistent

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27

Issues and Notes:
   6647251 and 6647254 are verified by sqe tests.
6659990 failed because of kdc config error.
untested bug because of no unit tests.

Component : tools
Go/NoGO   : Go
Date      : 05/16/08  at 09:32
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 0.5

Workspace : /java/jdk/7.0/ws/integration/Telos/jdk
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/platform/2008/134/bundles
Platforms : Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server; WinXP Prof(32), -client; RH AS4.0 (32), -server; 
SuSE SLES10 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/tools/testbase
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://javaweb.sfbay/cgi-bin/tls/OneBuildStatus.cgi?build_id=134
Number of Tests Executed :  1079 product tests, 1 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
Tested. Pass:
6682380 Foreach loop with generics inside finally block crashes javac with -target 1.5

Tested. Fail:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests and no 'noreg-/nounit-' keywords:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

New bugs filed during this PIT  : None


Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27b

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