A problem with HTTP access to the jdk7 repository

Mikhail Lapshin Mikhail.Lapshin at Sun.COM
Tue May 20 08:37:39 PDT 2008


Today we are having a problem with the jdk7 repository. I am trying to 
pull down the new changes and get the following error message:
ml199754 at mlapshin /cygdrive/w/mercurial/jdk7-swing/jdk
$ hg pull
pulling from http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/swing/jdk
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 229 changesets with 1178 changes to 1027 files
error: pretxnchangegroup hook raised an exception: <urlopen error >
transaction abort!
rollback completed
abort: error:

My colleagues have very similar problems (connection refused, HTTP error 
etc.). However, webrev script, which uses SSH, works well. It seems that 
there is some problem only with the HTTP access to the repository.

P.S. I use Mercurial v0.9.5.


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