Heads up: JDK 7 Linux platforms moving to Fedora 9

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 2 14:03:40 PDT 2009

Keep in mind that this in no way impacts where the OpenJDK can be built.
This is just the flavor of Linux we picked for the more official Sun JDK
builds, where we need to have the same built bits run on many different
versions of Linux.

Don't read much into this choice. There are so many good choices out there.

We did want an rpm based system because we currently only have the logic
to build rpm bundles for the Sun JDK. A bit of a 'path of least resistance'
factor in the decision.


giuseppe gran wrote:
> Stupid question: why only Fedora? And openSUSE or Debian?

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