[7u4-osx] Request for approval for 7123679: [macosx] Update regression tests that use os.name to work on MacOSX

Kurchi Hazra kurchi.subhra.hazra at oracle.com
Mon Jan 9 11:26:34 PST 2012

There was some room for improvement in 
and I changed it:

On 1/9/2012 10:54 AM, Paul Hohensee wrote:
> Approved.
> Though there does seem to be a bit of confusion (to me, anyway)
> between the places that check for solaris | linux | macos and the
> places that check for !windows.  It would be good to define the
> check in a single method and use that rather than scatter similar-to-
> identical checks around the code.

I agree - but since the checks are in various tests files scattered all 
over jdk/test directory,
I am not sure how I could define a single method to be used in all such 

- Kurchi

> Paul
> On 1/9/12 1:29 PM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>> Apologies for the wrong CR number in the subject. Corrected it here.
>> Thanks,
>> - Kurchi
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject:     [7u4-osx] Request for approval for 7127199: [macosx] 
>> Update regression tests that use os.name to work on MacOSX
>> Date:     Mon, 09 Jan 2012 10:27:09 -0800
>> From:     Kurchi Hazra <kurchi.subhra.hazra at oracle.com>
>> Organization:     Oracle Corporation
>> To:     jdk7u-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> CC:     macosx-port-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> This is a request to push the following fix to jdk7u-osx:
>> CR: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7123679
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~khazra/7123679/webrev.02/
>> Reviewed by: alanb, swingler
>> This changeset will be pushed on my behalf by Michael McMahon 
>> (michaelm).
>> Thanks,
>> Kurchi


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