Filing bugs

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jan 10 00:50:54 PST 2012

On 09/01/2012 23:35, Roger Lewis wrote:
> It would be useful bugs being being submitted to related 
> to this project team to have a term at the beginning of the synopsis 
> that would help identify it as a bug related to the project. This 
> would be similar to how a keyword functions for querying purposes. Can 
> I suggest "macosxport"?
>   example synopis: macosxport: user locale and user interface 
> locale......
The only thing is that conflicts with conventions used in other areas, 
the core area in particular where the area of interest is at the 
beginning of the synopsis to make long lists of bugs sortable by 
synopsis. Where bugs are platform specific then the convention has been 
to put it at end of the synopsis. That said, there is an operating 
system field and maybe whoever moves this bugs to the right place can 
fix that up?


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