Filing bugs

Mike Swingler swingler at
Tue Jan 10 12:44:29 PST 2012

Great news. Thanks much for your help Nelson.

Mike Swingler
Apple Inc.

On Jan 9, 2012, at 11:40 PM, nelson.dcosta at wrote:

> Mike,
> I have deployed the changes to accept reports through for bugs reported against the Mac OS X platform. These reports are filed in bugtraq against the macosx operating system.
> Regards,
> Nelson
> On 1/10/2012 5:05 AM, Roger Lewis wrote:
>> Mike, 
>> The page at is in the process of being updated to accept bugs against Mac. The workaround would be to select another OS in the pull-down and clearly indicate that the bug is on Mac in the description. 
>> It would be useful bugs being being submitted to related to this project team to have a term at the beginning of the synopsis that would help identify it as a bug related to the project. This would be similar to how a keyword functions for querying purposes. Can I suggest "macosxport"? 
>>   example synopis: macosxport: user locale and user interface locale...... 
>> -Roger 
>> On 1/9/12 3:19 PM, Mike Swingler wrote: 
>>> Where do we file bugs against the Java 7 Mac Developer Preview<>? 
>>> The page says to use:<>, but there doesn't seem to be any activity there. 
>>> <>  rejects any attempt to file a bug against Mac OS X. 
>>> Ideas? 
>>> Mike Swingler 
>>> Apple Inc. 

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