Fwd: Re: Question about concurrent package races and updates

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Mon Jan 23 03:19:26 PST 2012

I filed the following bug against this issue:
   CR 7132378: Race in FutureTask if used with explicit set and get ( 
not Runnable )

It would appear to be a very specific issue confined to the FutureTask 
implementation. I took a quick look at the latest FutureTask from Doug's 
CVS and the changes (after a quick scan) would appear to be a candidate 
for porting to a 7u update.

I think the best approach here would be to bring this specific change 
into the JDK8 repository and let it bake there for a while. If there are 
no problems we can then proceed with a request to backport to the 7u-dev 
repo ( it will most likely be a candidate for 7u6 by this time ).

Sound reasonable?

As a matter of process, I'll follow up with a webrev for CR 7132378 ( 
the changes to sync up FutureTask ) on the core-lib-dev mailing list. 
This is where most of the util_concurrent changes are reviewed.


On 22/01/2012 19:05, Jason Schroeder wrote:
> For my information, would such a merge only reach jdk8?  or would
> other jdk versions receive the merge?
> Thanks for the newer FutureTask.
>> Yes. This (and some related cases) were not originally intended
>> supported usages, but someone pointed out last spring that the spec
>> did not rule them out. So it is now explicitly covered in revised
>> base sources, that have been running successfully for months
>> (including in Android builds). We usually let changes settle for
>> a while before merging into openJDK . This should be among the
>> next ones to merge in.

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